Bird seeds & other snacks

I'm still building this nest, pardon the mess

Look, we all know how recipe blogs can be. They have a Reputation. This is not a recipe blog, so I'm not gonna bore you with any anecdotes or whatever, I'm just gonna get to it.

Most of these assume you have nothing but a rudimentary knowledge on cooking, the most advanced we get is sautering and simmering. If you know a little bit, you can fill in the blanks. Otherwise, a couple questions to your search engine of choice should put you on the right track!


Ingredients (2 people, 1 very hungry):

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees convection or whatever you call that in English. It's the one that's a drawing of a little fan.

Place the slabs of salmon on a baking tray with baking paper., and bake the salmon for 10-15 minutes, until it is almost done. If it becomes all done, it might turn out a little dry, but it's still tasty.

Finely chop spring onion and garlic. Heat a pan with olive oil, wait for it to get hot, then sauter the spring onion and garlic for a couple of minutes. You can tell it's ready when it starts to look a bit transparent.

Pour in the cream and let it simmer for a minute or two. While it does, turn the oven off and remove the salmon. Peel off any skin, and put the salmon in the pan with all the other ingredients. Let it simmer with the rest for a minute or two, try to keep it under five.

Cook some pasta! Fresh pasta usually only takes 2-3 minutes to cook, but I give it a little more because al dente pasta really isn't all it's made out to be. Controversial, I know.

Drain your pasta, serve it with the salmon, and dig in!

Remember to turn the oven off.